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Saturday, June 5, 2010

Coming Soon! Lost-Continues


  1. Just wanted to give an insight on what I plan on discussing about: I wanted to kind of give Lost fans a little bit more to what I think should happen beyond what has already happened. Lost of course like any show is about life and living it. With the finale taking place and the end of Lost as we know it. We know what happened in the end result, but what happened in between for everyone. Or could it be changed. I am in no way wanting to change how the whole Lost season ended, but I am wanting to write about my thoughts on it all. Alot of questions were not answered, but with any show that is watched and may end, we all use our imagination and in turn becomes some form or reality. Stay tuned for more information.

  2. Hi, Losty! I like your blog! I never could understand Lost very well, so maybe you can enlighten me! Good luck with your endeavor! Sarah Hainline

  3. Thanks Sarah! I will try to enlighten the best I can. I truly believe people will enjoy what I write. Starting out slowly but in the coming months-Watch out!
